@neoyorquinanerd (1) If you follow no one, your life has no value. (Don’t worry, this is just an arbitrary mathematical normlization.) (2) Your next follow is only *slightly* better or worse than your last one… (3) But all of them are good! (I.e,. it’s better to follow more people than fewer) …
@neoyorquinanerd (4) Remember I said in (2) that your next follows are only slightly better or worse than your last one? Actually, they’re worse. Your best follow is your first. (5) Not only is your first follow the best one, she’s incredibly—in fact infinitely—valuable. [cf @neoyorquinanerd!] …
@neoyorquinanerd (6) Remember I said in (3) that more is better? But I said in (4) that each new follow is worse than the last? Well, at a certainly point, extras really aren’t doing much for you. [fin]