I asked if ASU Faculty-Staff Basketball game was cancelled and someone emailed “RIsk is minimal” with link to these guidelines from @AZDHS: azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/index.php#novel-coronavirus-home “No recommendation to cancel mass gatherings at this time…. No current changes to your normal business activists.”
This was Friday. Folks played 🏀. (I didn’t.) I understand that ASU *has now* canceled non-research/teaching events, despite @AZDHS seeming nonchalance. (P.S. It appears that 143?! tests that have been conducted in Arizona so far.) abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/as-many-as-70-000-az-residents-could-have-coronavirus-according-to-cdc-models
Update: Testing now apparently up to 183. @AZDHS twitter account focused on helpful "Plan healthful eating while traveling with this helpful guide," National Groundwater Awareness Week, and of course "Coronavirus: Facts not Fear" (to which, alas, no link is provided)