@dclingi @wwwojtekk I am not aware of data on how much PPP *went* to larger firms (only NAICS 72 = accommodation and food service were eligible). But $23B of approved loans bigger than $5M (see SBA link here @lukestein/1250915752242106368 ). That would require a $24M payroll ≈ 500 employees at $48LK 1/
@dclingi @wwwojtekk Using 2.5 months of 2017 payroll, looks like NAICS 72 was eligible for ~$36B at smaller firms (<500 employees) and $26B at larger firms ⇒ $61B total @lukestein/1250984483752271872 Total approved for NAICS 72 was $23B. 2/
@dclingi @wwwojtekk Putting it all together for industries (in the spirit of @ernietedeschi's analysis by states @rfriedman305/1250898560826122240 and with lots of caveats) it looks like Mining had the highest PPP loan approval relative to eligibility. 3/3