Luke Green 1 Bear with me 2 “For though they may be parted there is/Still a chance that they will see” 3 Q error: one is not actually prime 4 “I woke up like this” 5 Q error: “How many” implies discreetness; inconsistent with differentiability [to be continued] @itaisher/1257315833673420803
6 “If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me/One day I'll know” 7 Just putting a colon and a question mark doesn’t make it a question 8 (1), but to be safe, he should probably have double majored in math or CS 9 Yes 10 Buy one get one free [to be continued]
11 Flipped a coin and decided to skip this question 12 Yes. They’ve got Camrys at the “new car” dealership that look exactly like all the other ones on the road. (The real bullshit is calling them “new cars” when so many people have already test driven them, though!)