lukestein’s avatarlukestein’s Twitter Archive—№ 8,127

      1. …in reply to @andreamatranga
        @andreamatranga My quibble is that the dataviz explicitly suggests a uniform distribution across wealth × rent seeking etc. (⇒ zero correlation). That is counterfactual and NOT at all innocuous in its implications about the causes of and appropriate responses to inequality.
    1. …in reply to @lukestein
      @andreamatranga I don’t want to ascribe motives to whoever made the image, but it LOOKS like a piece of propoganda for a set of assumptions I STRONGLY reject masquerading as an argument for a conclusion I largely agree with. @lukestein/1257697881365999616
  1. …in reply to @lukestein
    @andreamatranga It LOOKS like it’s saying “we should fight rent-seeking” but the (explicit!) subtext is “majority of ‘the rich’ are ‘earners, entrepreneurs, and protectors,’ NOT ‘predators, cronies, and rent-seekers’” and that rich engage in those bad activites at the same rate as the non-rich.