lukestein’s avatarlukestein’s Twitter Archive—№ 8,850

    1. …in reply to @arpitrage
      @arpitrage @ben_golub @mattkahn1966 I think they attempt to monetize a bunch of ways, where (at least in the past) a bunch of the money was from credit card companies. The idea of spinning them off was popular but seemed to peter out. AirCanada did it though Also, @lukestein/1263185705188028416
  1. …in reply to @lukestein
    @arpitrage @ben_golub @mattkahn1966 “‘There’s a lot of schools of thought and debate as to how you measure [loyalty] profitability and what’s included…,’ Delta CEO Ed Bastian said…. ‘You can put kind of whatever margin you want on it. We can debate what the right margin is.’” cc: @rgmarkey