lukestein’s avatarlukestein’s Twitter Archive—№ 9,846

  1. …in reply to @graykimbrough
    @graykimbrough @tedsvo As the host you get to send two video feeds! Regular video shows up in gallery view with other participants, and if someone else talks, their video displaces you as the “speaker” in the UI. The second camera shows in the UI as screen sharing, which is often better for UX.
    1. …in reply to @lukestein
      @graykimbrough @tedsvo And I *think* Zoom makes different tech tradeoffs. The regular video is assumed to be a webcam, so can downsampled depending on bandwidth etc. (who cares if your face is a bit blurry). The secondary is assumed to be content, so Zoom may lower framerate rather than resolution. @tedsvo/1302257001884536838
      1. …in reply to @lukestein
        @graykimbrough @tedsvo And I’m going to loop @rothstein_jesse and @JonathanColmer in here (👋), because as I learn more about this stuff every day, I realize maybe having his virtualcam as a “secondary camera” in Zoom may help solve this👇 not-uncommon problem. @rothstein_jesse/1300939727906861057