@arpitrage @wwwojtekk My Instagram is full of ads telling me to buy more (durable) first aid kids and bandaids with the use-it-or-lose-it FSA money I presumably haven’t this year. Breast pumps and menstrual products are covered. *Finally* we can claim OTC *medicines* without a prescription. C’mon.
@arpitrage @wwwojtekk Also, if you leave a job midyear you forfeit unspent contributions. But if you’ve spent more than you contributed you never have to pay back your employer. Which only works for health FSA, not dependent care. Lots of scanning/uploading receipts or calling providers for a…
@arpitrage @wwwojtekk … “more itemized” one. I just find FSAs’ design and implementation emblematic of some of the worst features of US tax and healthcare systems. And—curious whether I could use the extra money for masks—run into BS about “benefits administrator” discretion. fsastore.com/learn/coronavirus-fsa-eligibility