@johnjhorton Awesome stuff, truly. Agree with what you’ve heard… the biggest things (no pun intended) are higher audio levels and bigger John. Keep an eye on your OBS audio monitor and see where you’re peaking… imho lots of the “advice” out there is obsessed with avoiding peaking so 1/
@johnjhorton ^avoiding clipping so suggests staying far away from the red and leveling up in post-production. But I’d say crank those levels! On head size, to really go big you’ll need to change slide design or not have the slides fullscreen. I think it’s worth it. 2/ @lukestein/1301343298896957440
@johnjhorton Tiny quibble suggestions are: (1) Any way to advance your slides less clicky than your mech keyboard? If you have a clicker maybe use that. (2) Tough, but trying to maintain eye contact with camera. One trick is to have your slides window (or OBS preview)… 3/
@johnjhorton very small onscreen and pushed up just next to where your camera is. Or you can be a weirdo and (temporarily) put the camera right front of the screen. 4/