lukestein’s avatarlukestein’s Twitter Archive—№ 12,368

              1. …in reply to @jhaushofer
                @jhaushofer @SU_Economics OK I have… thoughts! Tech thoughts but by far the most important questions precede (and should dictate) the tech. First up is a practical question whether you are committed to creating a first-class SYNCHRONOUS experience for the online students. 1/
            1. …in reply to @lukestein
              @jhaushofer @SU_Economics To give both in-person and remote students simultaneously a great synchronous experience, I think you really need professional help on the ground. Cameras, mics, and screens that let the in-person see and hear the online, and vice versa. 2/
          1. …in reply to @lukestein
            @jhaushofer @SU_Economics I am the biggest advocate you’ll find for DIY, but hybrid sync is really hard and I think if you can’t get pro support, it’s better to consciously decide what you’re going to seriously downgrade: the in-person experience or the online synchronous one. 3/
        1. …in reply to @lukestein
          @jhaushofer @SU_Economics If the online students are asynchronous—ie if you’re basically trying to record your in-person classes—there are good tips and techniques. Or if you’re basically willing to deliver an online class where some students are in the room with you, that works but works differently. 4/
      1. …in reply to @lukestein
        @jhaushofer @SU_Economics But on all this stuff form follows function. Very happy to chat/tweet more with anyone facing this stuff. My perspective is the “prof interested in using good instructional tech” side, but once you know your goals, remember there’s a world of instructional tech experts. 5/6
    1. …in reply to @lukestein
      @jhaushofer @SU_Economics I got lots of good help from @BabsonATI (and others), but the most important lesson I learned was this: 6/6 @lukestein/1424433549080469506
  1. …in reply to @lukestein
    @jhaushofer @SU_Economics @BabsonATI Bonus, with one concrete suggestion hopefully useful no matter what exactly your priorities/constraints are: @danmlevy’s (short) book on “Teaching Effectively With Zoom” is a must read