@_alice_evans @arpitrage Both are examples of (what are sometimes called) “community communication” tools. Microsoft Teams or Webex Teams are other examples. Key elements are a persistent chat (like a Whatsapp group) in different “channels” or threads.
@_alice_evans @arpitrage For me the key goals are (1) move non-private communication w students out of email so that they can answer each others’ questions and all see my answers (to avoid answering same thing multiple times) and (2) encourage informality and rapid-response norms
@_alice_evans @arpitrage On (2), part of this is… I know this is going to happen anyway in smaller study groups or even a cohort-wide Whatsapp (or whatever). So better to encourage it in a forum the teaching team (i.e., me) can see and participate in.
@_alice_evans @arpitrage Everything else is cherries on top. These platforms also allow things like “polling” and reputation systems and private channels. So I can do stuff like: have a channel for each of my three course sections, and then do in-class polls that work like the old “clicker” systems.